Foundations of Consciousness Training

Following a “Beyond Systems” approach, the main emphasis lies on fundamental principles and training that is experience based rather than belief based. No matter what your background is, which methods you currently practice, or if you just want to have your first experiences with the topics of expanded aspects of reality that go beyond the purely physical, you will be able to benefit from these two days.

The event will be a good mix of theoretical input and practical explorations, giving ample tools for you to continue your journey of exploration and expansion.

Some of the topics will be:

- Foundations of consciousness training on different levels (physical, mental/ emotional, super-conscious)
- Sensing energy
- Refining perception
- The relevance of perception in personal development, healing, therapy and life
- Increasing energy levels
- Energetic fields – function and structure
- Brief overview of different energetic systems in the body (not comprehensive)
- Simple scanning
- Potential benefits of including consciousness development in daily life
- The light within
- and pretty much everything that arises from questions, as far as time permits

If you’ve ever wondered what energy is, how consciousness is linked to the body, and if and how you can benefit from being able to consciously deal with it, this workshop will provide a great starting point for you. If you have some sort of standing practice already, you might be intrigued by the depth to which one can go and how refined you can become.

All exercises and experiences will be adaptable to different levels. There are no prerequisites to participate.

The event is semi-online and as such the first of its kind with the “Beyond Systems” approach. So far these topics and tools have only been shared in person. Semi-online refers to the fact that only the instructor will be remote. All other participants are required to be in the same room to keep the energy up and allow for real life practical applications and partner exercises.

Location: Rockaway Beach, New York City

Ask us about complementary and luxury lodging options.


Friday 12th
- Arrival for those traveling from out of town
- 7:30pm dinner

Saturday January 13th 2024
- 8:30am to 9:30am Breakfast
- 9:30am to 12:00pm Morning Session
- 12:00pm to 2:00pm Lunch Break
- 2:00pm to 7:30pm Afternoon Session
- 7:30 to 8:30pm Wellness Break
- 8:30pm Dinner

Sunday January 14th
- 8:30am to 9:30am Breakfast
- 9:30am to 12:00pm Experimentation session
- 12:00am to 13:00pm Lunch
- 13:30 to 07:00pm Afternoon Session

Times are estimates as enough time for hydration and recovery will be given, especially due to the online nature of the event.

Spots are strictly limited for this round so please sign up in time. Spots are secure once the participation fee has been paid in full.
Participants must be physically at the event location to participate!

$ 390 USD (includes tuition, 2x breakfast and 2x dinner)
WISE transfer

Sign up:
get in touch through DM, email or Whatsapp
+43 6503744222