Training for Athletes

Beyond Systems base training is a great training add on for athletes to

  • warm up or cool down

  • create physiological and mechanical coherence

  • optimize function by supporting and refining cross structure communication and coordination

  • improve perception allowing for refined control

  • speed up recovery

This article is specifically designed for athletes of different disciplines in order to give clarity about how the Beyond Systems approach can be a training asset, who will have the most benefit from it and roughly what a basic principles approach contains in the field of athletic development. It also dives into the question whether or not there are benefits to be expected for athletes who are already high level, or in contrast those just starting out.

Beyond System is a truly holistic approach to improving and understanding movement as well as emotions, the mind, our energy and the development of consciousness.
This particular article focuses on the specific benefits and training possibilities for athletes of all sorts and how the Beyond Systems approach is different from other forms of training the physical body and associated with it the mind to a high level.

The specific requirements of athletes in their training are often highly different from those of someone simply wanting to improve their overall health and well-being by means of some low intensity exercise.

What’s even more noteworthy and clear to those practicing some sort of physical discipline at a moderate to advanced level is the fact how specific skill development and training have to be to truly reach high quality execution with an appropriate level of safety and balance to prevent overload injuries etc.

Despite these general rules of thumb when looking at athletic training (again of whatever sorts) there are some fundamental principles applicable to physical development at large, that are often not trained separately yet are of the utmost importance in any discipline. This next section will dive deeper into those.

fundamental principles and aspects relevant in the development and expansion of all high level athletic abilities and training

While every athletic discipline requires specific training some aspects are universal to developing high level physical performance. Some of those are:

  • high level of perception (refined proprioceptive feedback, spacial awareness, exteroception etc.)

  • advanced coordinative skills beyond hand eye coordination

  • fine motor control both in tension and relaxation

  • increased capability for recovery

  • high level mobility control and a wide range of instinctive, unspecific movement patterns that support overall motion competence irrespective of surroundings and situations

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The most adaptable addition to athletic training


  • Is the Beyond Systems approach suited for athletes?

    Yes. The approach of Beyond Systems regarding training that is primarily based in fundamental principles (bio-mechanical, functional, neurological, cognitive, perceptive, conscious, etc.) is very well suited to develop important aspects even in high level athletic training, such as refined body awareness, clarity of intent, optimized use of available resources (mechanical, chemical, mental, emotional, energetic) and similar. The development of these abilities in addition to specifically targeted athletic training individual to the practiced discipline is a powerful support to increase training efficiency, refinement of movement, injury prevention and more.

  • What abilities does the Beyond Systems approach foster specifically?

  • When is a good time to start the implementation of Beyond Systems training in ones athletic journey?

    Whether you are a complete beginner, intermediate or advanced either in movement in general or specifically your athletic discipline, Beyond Systems can become a great asset for your training development, efficiency, recovery and progression.
    Beginners benefit because right from the get go they can start with more foundation and refined processes.
    Intermediates and advanced athletes benefit a lot from seeing the difference this approach can provide in comparison to their “normal” training and often progress even faster as they start from a more developed stage of perception and understanding their body already.

  • Which athletes can benefit from this approach?

    So far we have successfully worked with triathletes, rock-climbers, aerial acrobats, martial artists, swimmers, athletes from different kind of ball sports, free-divers, skiers and strength athletes like calisthenics and weight lifting.
    Overall almost everyone who is willing to take their movement journey a level deeper and further can benefit at least from certain aspects that we focus on in Beyond Systems. There is always a detailed exploration of the status quo before we dive into any kind of specific work to assess whether or not this particular approach can be of benefit and support at this point in time and for the goals respective individual athletes have for themselves.