Upcoming group containers

6 month and 2 month (bottom of the page) mentorship options

Group mentorship containers are designed to work with a small number of motivated people to transform their life in the most individualized way possible while being more cost effective than private classes. The group setting supports growth, motivation and accountability and is the perfect safe space of like minded individuals to grow.

6 month mentorship container

full mind, body, direction upgrade

Upgrade your own life towards more vitality, health and clarity. Our most complete mentorship program takes you through experientially uplevelling movement, posture, energy levels, and clarity of direction. No belief required!

Whether you come from a place of simply wanting to expand your positivity and capabilities for a more joyful and fulfilled life or you are coming from burnout, stress or exhaustion the program is a clear and stable container for you to grow towards your potential.

with only 3 spots available at a time you can be sure to have all the personal attention to your individual needs to grow most optimally.

This container is only available one time per year.

Next container starting August 1st 2024

full info and enrollment process opening 15th of July

sign up via email no strings attached to reserve your spot for a discovery call and/ or to be amongst the first to receive the full info just use the form below

2 month “MOGROW” program

upgrade movement, optimize posture —> expansion of life

The “move 2 grow” program is specifically designed to upgrade your movement and posture regardless of your background. It is built to enhance your physical well-being, health and vitality by optimizing the foundation of how you use and engage with the body daily.

This is certain to bring you expansions no matter if your goal is to

  • feel more connected to your body and build self confidence in movement

  • optimize posture and move pain-free with more ease and grace

  • balance your high stress levels and support your life from the ground up to be more energized and healthy in the long run

  • increase athletic performance, and cut down on recovery times

  • learn how you can support creativity, clarity of mind and your immune-system through movement

  • become more flexible, grounded and dynamic

  • just explore the huge untapped potential that lies within you and is accessible through applying several basic principles that you will never hear in the classical fitness industry

  • find out how you can effortlessly integrate you body into your life to move better towards your goals

  • discover how movement can be used to improve emotions, and help you to be in the present moment more

    next container opens this summer 2024

    only 10 spots available

    sign up now with the form below to be among the first to get the full program info, dates, price options and discovery call spots