creating foundations - expanding horizons
Beyond Systems is a fully holistic approach to personal development and growth, movement, wellbeing and applicable understanding of body, mind, emotions and consciousness. It is based in the natural abilities of the human body, nature and consciousness.
It involves physical exercises, mindfulness techniques, meditation, self discovery and connecting with nature.
Like the name says, we do not use one single system in each category to facilitate experiences, transformation and positive growth. We mainly focus on creating experiences that give a deeper understanding of basic principles of how to best use, or rather engage with our mind, emotions, the body and consciousness.
To achieve that Beyond Systems borrows techniques that can be found in some systems but also adds a lot of additional exercises that are not covered in any specific discipline with the goal to both provide a propper overview over the different possibilities we have and help you to learn about your bodies and minds possibilities by applying in life rather than studying in theory.
“Beyond Systems is way more than a simple multidisciplinary approach of cross pollination between systems. One of it’s strengths is to teach the basics many systems are built upon but that hardly anyone every talks about let alone teaches. It’s like a manual to the use of the human body, our mind, emotions and how to access ones consciousness”
Beyond Systems is perfect for you if…
you are interested in enriching you experience in this life
you want to improve your movement and posture
you want to gain access to your mind and emotions
you want to better understand situations you find yourself in
you want to learn about and consciously interact with your consciousness
your main focus is that of a curious explorer who whishes to improve his or her life
Beyond Systems training
Since Beyond Systems is quite holistic there are many different classes, workshops and trainings-settings here are some examples to give you an idea. In all classes we focus primarily on quality of the exercises and understanding rather than just pumping out set after set.
classes that focus primarily on movement, mobility, flexibility, natural strength or conditioning
meditation and energetics classes
mindfulness classes
mindful movement classes (often combined with a special topic like for example “raising energy levels”, “clearing and cleaning”, “reconnecting and harmonizing”, “reconnecting with nature through movement” or “self exploration of possibilities” etc.
spezial topics like “relationships and connections to other people”, “identifying and changing old habits or limiting beliefs”, “balancing emotions”, etc.
focus retreats for example “Foundationsretreat” - one week or one month combining stretching, morning exercises, Qigong, meditation, improving posture, improving and or creating beneficial habits, reconnecting with our physical sensation, etc. overall an experience designed for anyone no matter their background to connect with their body, learn great possibilities to move healthy, improve posture in a natural way, focus their mind, calm emotions, learn about selfcare and the power this brings to our lives also and especially in interaction with the world and others
advanced focus retreats and workshops - designed for people who already participated some basics training and who want to explore further
Beyond Systems Teacher Trainings and Certifications
Read more about Beyond Systems in our Q&A-section here.