QIGONG in Dahab

regular classes | workshops | private training and mentorship

There are currently two recurring classes per week.

  • Tuesdays 05:30 - 7pm at Amanda Hotel

  • Thursdays 9 - 10:30 am at Zen Garden Dahab

Overview of Qigong Systems from which exercises are going to be practiced:

  • Ba Duan Jin Qigong (8 pieces of brocade) a very well known method specifically designed to improve overall health and wellbeing, support and balance the hormonal system, gently improve muscle tone and balance tension, and support mental and emotional clarity

  • Joint Immune Qigong a set of 16 exercises specifically to support cardiovascular- and lymphatic flow, boost the immune system and support cleansing processes of the body to reduce toxins and metabolic waist products

  • general harmonizing, cleansing and re-energizing Qigong exercises are a mix of key methods of Qigong to train body, mind, energy and spirit through gentle movement, guided breath and clear intention with the main purpose being to stabilize health, support wellbeing, calming the nervous system and realigning ones movement with ones intentions and manifestations

  • Chan Si Jin Qigong (Silk Reeling) a spiral Qigong set that helps with overall body posture, understanding body mechanics and helps to reset the body to its natural spiral type movement patterns

  • Soft White Crane Qigong a southern Shaolin Qigong style that focuses on spinal recallibration and mobility and frees up the shoulder girdle and heart area both energetically, emotionally as well as physically

  • Zhan Zhuang Gong Qigong standing exercises for grounding, stability, building energy, resetting the nervous system and calming the mind. Basically a type of standing meditation

  • Taiji- Qigong the stand alone practice of using certain movements that can be found in Taiji Quan forms for the purpose of highlighting their specific health benefits and functions on body mind and breathing. For example, there are exercises that are great to work on the large intestine in both directions, physically to improve digestion and at the same time also supporting the function of the large intestine as the internal clock (as described in traditional Chinese medicine), which makes this particular one a great tool for jetlag or similar disturbances in ones bio rhythm.

This page is currently under construction - more info will be available soon!

for other current regular classes in Dahab please click here.