Unlock Your Full Potential:

Authenticity / Health & Wellbeing / Clarity of direction & Focus /

Consciousnesstraining / increased Energy

Join the Beyond Systems Mentorship Program

starting August 1st 2024

Are you ready to transform your life from the inside out? Our exclusive 6-month mentorship program is designed for individuals seeking a complete life upgrade and re-calibration. With only 4 spots available, this intimate online program offers personalized support and a community of like-minded individuals dedicated to personal growth and holistic well-being.

What You'll Receive:

- 44 Group Video Calls: Engage in bi-weekly sessions with a small group of like minded people, sharing insights, progress, and support.

- 6 Individual Calls: Receive personalized coaching tailored to your unique journey.

- Initial Assessment Call: Set clear goals and create the foundation for your transformation.

- The Upgrade of a Lifetime: Learn about your individual possibilities and the tools necessary to expand your life.

- A Supportive Community: The people you connect with in the course and those who came before will become your peers and the circle that can support you in your endeavor to optimize your life.

Egwin is a fantastic guy on the cutting edge of movement patterns. His holistic approach truly gets results and his passion shines through very clearly resulting in great impact!
— Bhavisha Devchand-Professional Athlete

Principles of positive change

  • understanding the current status

  • learning the basic principles involved

  • applying the basics to leverage small step success

  • keep showing up and take positively inspired action based on the above as playfully and often integrated in life as possible

Core Focus Areas and benefits

1. Mental Clarity: Achieve a sharper mind and better focus.

2. Increased Energy: Harness more vitality in your daily life.

3. Emotional Balance: Understand, balance, and manage your emotions.

4. Flexibility & Mobility: Enhance your physical capabilities.

5. Heightened Awareness: Improve your perception and awareness.

6. Self-Confidence: Build unwavering self-belief.

7. Resilience to Stress: Strengthen your ability to handle stress.

8. Grounding & Stability: Achieve physical and psychological balance.

9. Self-Understanding: Discover your true authentic self.

10. Better Sleep Quality: Improve your rest and recovery.

11. Calm & Centeredness: Learn to center yourself effortlessly.

12. Natural Posture: Develop an effortless, natural posture.

“…I learned that it is possible to sustainably change debilitating patterns…” (Michele LaMothe Jin Shin Jyutsu, Frequency Specific Microcurrent Practitioner

Who This Is For

- Individuals seeking to elevate their well-being, health, and authenticity.

- Those recovering from burnout or seeking to prevent it.

- People who feel there's more to life and want to enhance their mental, emotional, and physical capacities.

- Anyone looking to grow spiritually and align with their true self.

If this is you then don’t miss out. The program starts on July 1st!


- Body-Centered Meditation: Meditative practices focused on the body.

- Breath Regulation: Master natural breathing patterns to regulate your nervous system.

- Somatic Movement & Embodiment Practices: Reconnect with your body through mindful movement.

- Movement Hygiene: Our signature method for maintaining physical and mental health.

- Beyond Systems Approach: A system-free framework for personal growth and natural movement.

- True Consciousness Training: A way to recognize oneself on a deeper level.

The modules

Each module has some core themes although the exact time spent will depend on individual needs of the group. From the get go, feedback is absolutely crucial as through that you co-create the focus of the topics and examples we work with so that the experience is as close as possible to your actual life. This reduces the need for you to translate what you’ve learned in order to apply it for yourself fast forwarding progress and deepening your understanding through relatable examples.

Month 1:

  • individual orientation and highlighting of special directions

  • first steps to form a solid foundation

    • optimizing the body, movement and posture

    • methods to balance tension patterns and re- organize yourself physically

    • grounding and balancing the nervous system

    • basics of consciousness development

    • basic breathing patterns to calm, center and re-energize

  • somatic ways to self-sooth and re-empower (foundations of healing burnout and debilitating habits)

Month 2:

  • refining body work and first steps of leveraging the correlation of body, mind and spirit

  • understanding emotions and ways to deal with them

  • sleep patterns and quantum biological basics for well-being health and clarity of mind

  • a look at habits - what they are and how to effectively change them (no matter if physical, mental or emotional ones)

  • introduction to types of limitations (trauma, believe systems, conditioning, etc.)

  • progressions in consciousness development and body centered meditation with real life applications

Month 3:

  • deep dive into limitations and how to heal, dissolve or transform them

  • uncovering steps to more authenticity and ways to connect with it more regularly

  • relationships to other people, and general environment

    • identifying supporting and distracting factors

    • possible adaptations of immediate surroundings

    • how to define and then refine ones connections (what are the individual needs and how can they be best attracted)

  • continuous refinement of physical baseline depending on individual needs

  • testing out the waters with personal “permission slips” to improve boundaries and clarity in expression and attraction

Month 4:

  • connecting to nature beyond the senses for deeper healing, clarity and more energy

  • working on concrete examples of triggers, understanding their relevance for each ones individual journey and how to turn them to assets

  • the deeper connection within - self love, meeting ones own needs and communication thereof

  • optimizing family and social connections to adjust to the new you

  • examples of beneficial and counterproductive ways to change structures and processes for work

  • first glimpses into ones true direction, purpose or aligned intent

Month 5:

  • understanding your inner drive

  • motivation, drive and rest - “the balance of the champion”

  • how to use physical movement to bring clarity

  • manifesting actions combining all layers - physical, emotional, mental, energetic, conscious

  • choices of life

Month 6:

the time of application

  • detail repetition of all physical and mind- body exercises as well as breathing

  • refinement according to individual needs and more individual progressions

  • connecting all the dots and filling in the blanks if and where needed


Corporate References in the fields of Burnout Prevention and Corporate Health Programs:


  • KNILL Holding

  • Technical University Graz

  • Energie Steiermark

  • Government of Austria

  • Johanneum


€6200 per person

Invest in your transformation.

Secure your spot by booking your free discovery call before the program starts August 1st!

Payment plans available at request.

Ready to transform your life?
Limited Availability: Only 4 spots available – secure your place today

the program starts August 1st!