Qigong in Bali
Workshops | Regular classes | private classes and mentorship
Most current
we are not in the country at the moment!
We currently offer two main types of classes. One that focuses primarily on health, body-awareness, flow of movement, coordination, boosting energy levels and vitality. The second with a primary focus on Qigong sets that are designed to build strength, explosiveness and resilience and that can be used as add-on training for martial artists. That being said, both classes are suitable for everyone who whishes to improve their body awareness, focus, energy, posture and coordination.
All our classes start with a Qigong specific warm up sequence and exercises to improve body-awareness. Occasionally to mix things up we include simple partner exercises to add more diversity and understand our body and ourselves even better.
Health & Wellbeing
for Training & Martial-Arts
In this class we use certain Qigong exercises that are designed to support martial arts and are more physically expressive.
The exercises choosen are a mix of different “hard Qigong” styles and one that focuses on developing explosive power. We also mix some simple partner-exercises in that help to develop balance, timing and body awarenes.
The class is open level at the moment so everyone can attend and try it without any prerequisites.
Note: This class is NO fighting or application training! The exercises help to develop certain elements that support martial arts like resilience and strength (hard Qigong), explosiveness (“Hen Ha”) aswell as balance and coordination.
This is the class where we focus on our health and wellbeing using a variety of different Qigong systems and exrcises. We pay special attention to natural flow, improving circulation, increasing body awareness, conscious breathing and healthy body structure. This helps to increase energy levels, boost agility and calm the mind.
Every class starts with a short warm up session of Qigong related exercises that already help to understand and train the necessary movement basics.
We might sometimes switch it up with some partner exercises to increase fun and practical understanding.
The class is open level. You don’t need any previous knowledge or training to attend.
Note: although it is a class dedicated to improve health and wellbeing the class setting is not designed to be a therapy.
Currently there are no regular Classes
All infos regarding new training times and locations for Qigong here in Bali will be visible here as soon as they are confirmed.
Private Training and Mentorship
PLEASE NOTE: We are currently international.
If you prefer more personalized attention in your training to go totally at your own pace and perfectly targeted to your individual needs private training is a great way to go.
Depending on your geographic location privates are either possible in person or via ZOOM video conference. In case of online training please pay attention to potentially different timezones.
Please use the form below to set up an appointment for a private training.
My own story of training Qigong in Bali
Just to point one thing out right at the beginning, I did not learn Qigong in Bali. I learned and trained it over the past 30+ years in Europe, UK, Thailand and of course China. At least as far as learning it with a teacher goes. Beyond that, I most deffinitely also learned about Qigong, or rather my specific Qigong practice here in Bali too, because every single location you train at leaves it’s very specific footprint and potentially teaches you a nuance your weren’t able to see that clearly before. This special aspect that training locations have to offer sort of as the additional seasoning on top of the practice, will be slightly different for every single person as we all bring our own history and current point in our development with us, however, there are also certain basic vibes if you will, that certain surroundings can teach you better than others and that will absolutely be comparable across people. And this is what this text is all about. A quick story of my own experiences training in this beautiful country.