Regular Classes
in Dahab
each week
Sundays 4:30pm - 6pm —> Fly High Yoga and Somatic Play Class at Amanda Hotel
Tuesdays 5:30pm - 7pm —> Qigong at Amanda Hotel
Thursdays 9:00 - 10:30 am —> Qigong at Zen Garden
Fridays 5:30pm - 7pm —> Fly High Yoga at Amanda Hotel
detailed class descriptions below “other events”!
other upcoming events in Dahab
Zhan Zhuang Gong - Qigong standing meditation Workshop
Friday 24th January
10am - 1pm
Zhan Zhuang Gong or Qigong standing practice is a corner stone of many traditional Chinese mind body practices. It can be considered a standing meditation of sorts where exact postural alignment, clear intention and sometimes specific breathing meet.
The purpose of the exercises is to create a natural strong structure, develop good grounding both physically, energetically and psychologically as well as a clear focused mind. Due to it's simplicity it is accessible to most people no matter their background or training status. Zhan Zhuang Gong has significant health benefits (see ore below) and is a valid tool to gain emotional balance, and calmness in ones mind leading to an overall sense of relaxed clarity, grounding and self confidence.
This workshop gives you all the necessary information and practice you need to be able to implement this method in your day to day lfe to enhance vitality, structure and health.
We will go over the most important structural aspects in great detail and you will learn ways to use your mind to gain deeper control over your physical and emotional status.
While standing the body posture supports the mind going into a more neutral present awareness state while at the same time initiating deep physical processes. There is a certain element challenge to standing like this but it is more so mental than physical in nature when done correctly. All the how and why, both energetically, psychologically and scientifically will be explained in the workshop
Typically a practice time of about 15 min is already extremely beneficial to ones overall health, well-being and mental alertness all the while promoting a calm and centered base state.
Some of the benefits of practicing Zhan Zhuang Gong are:
- improves grounding
- supports a healthy effortless body posture
- gently trains the muscles
- improves bone density
- supports endurance in all forms
- builds self confidence
- increases energy levels
- boosts the immune system
- helps to access deep lying tension patterns
- can be used to dissolve deep rooted emotional blockages
- helps to train the mind body connection
- improves your ability to deliberately govern the body
- balances the hormonal system
- helps to balance emotions
- clears and centers the mind
- brings you into the present moment
- and many more
Your trainer:
Egwin practices Qigong and related arts for 35 years and has ever since been in the field of natural movement and consciousness development reaching far beyond just Qigong. With a background in both western and traditional Chinese medicine, body centered psychotherapy, and numerous complementary and energy healing modalities as well as martial arts, somatic practices dance, Alexander Technique and meditation, his approach is very rich and versatile focusing primarily on fundamental principles as opposed to dogmatic views and strict traditional ways.
He is the founder of Beyond Systems a system free basic principles based approach to natural movement, consciousness and spiritual development.
location: Zen Garden Dahab (can be found on google maps)
duration: 3 hrs
regular price 950 EGP per person
850 EGP for Dahab long term residents
750 EGP for Egyptians
feel free to reach out with any and all questions you might have
I look forward to welcoming you in this beautiful workshop
progressive Ba Duan Jin Qigong
course - 6 weeks
next entry date late January 2025
location: to be announced
This is a continuous course to allow participants to learn the Baduan Jin Qigong System in its entirety up to a level that allows them to safely practice and train it on their own.
Continuous means that after the first session there will be no new students (drop in) the class so that each session can naturally build on the previous one.
In a nutshell, Ba Duan Jin Qigong is a traditional Chinese system to promote general health, balance organsystems and hormones, support relaxation and clarity of mind body and emotions and boosts vital energy.
It’s comprised of 8 exercises for the major organs and combines smoothly flowing breath with clear intention and gentle movement.
Here are some of the primary benefits of practicing Ba Duan Jin Qigong.
calms and resets the nervous system
promotes deep conscious flowing breaths
balances tension in the body
supports the immune system
balances emotions by regulating bodily functions
serves to clear the mind and increase mental focus and acuity
balances the hormonal system
promotes bone density
increases vitality and energy levels
and several more
It’s one of the very well tested methods to boost health and overall wellbeing. It’s compact nature allows for it to easily flow into ones regular day.
If you are interested in joining please reach out to me directly via whatsapp +436503744222
There might be a second entry option (first class) by the end of the coming week but starting from next Sunday the group will be closed for 6 weeks
costs: 1500 EGP per person for the full 6 session course payed up front to also motivate yourself to stick to it
Regular Classes detailed Description
Fly High Yoga and Somatic Play Class
every Sunday 5.30pm - 7pm / Location: Amanda Hotel Dahab
1,5 hrs of movement exploration and play open for all levels.
An explorative class to improve health, vitality and well being with a side of inspiration for new possibilities.
Think about learning about your body and how to leverage your body mind connection in ways you should have learned when starting to move as a kid in the first place.
This Fly High and Somatic Play class is a space for exploration, individual questions, playfulness, curiosity, and growth no matter if you have never done anything like this or are looking to deepen your practice and understanding and widen the scope of your experiences.
What is the class about:
We start every class with a group warm up together to create the space in which we then explore.
The purpose of this class is primarily to have a space to both tip toe into new experiences and/or go deeper in certain practices you might already be doing.
In each class there will be some suggestions for exploration related to somatic and body work, Fly High Yoga poses with the Fly High Yoga belt, Qigong, somatic stretching or similar disciplines.
The general idea is to use the space to try out new possibilities of how to relate with the body in ways that support posture and coordination, reduce internal friction and restriction, as well as improve flow and overall well being and vitality.
Here are some of the ingredients you may find in this class - elements of:
- FLY HIGH YOGA (a specific type of aerial Yoga that is focused on precise alignment and deep work both structurally and with the nervous system)
- DEVELOPMENTAL MOVEMENT (movements that new born and infants use instinctively to build the foundation for any further development of movement patterns, strength and coordination . done as an adult this serves us to reset the body back into its own most authentic, body-intelligence based state of being and functioning)
- QIGONG (ancient Chinese disciplines to optimize health, flow, vitality and energy levels - exercises that combine the mind, energy and body in harmonious ways)
- SOMATIC STRETCHING (specific stretching exercises that focus on re-building a trust based connection between the mind, nervous system and our structure allowing for deeper relaxation, and improved mobility and flexibility)
- MULTISTYLE CONDITIONING (body weight based strength and conditioning training based on somatic disciplines and aerial training)
- MOBILITY AS A HOLISTIC METHOD (mobility and flexibility of the body is never fully disconnected from our nervous system and state of mind - these methods help to optimize this connection to support and improve movement plasticity, body awareness and individual mobility enhancing methods)
- MINDFULNESS AND ADVANCED AWARENESS (specific multi style tools to improve perception and awareness as cornerstones for increased control and clarity with physical states and processes)
- PARTNER SUPPORT EXERCISES (some classes may include the option to explore postures on the ground or in the Fly High Yoga belt with the support of a partner to safely go deeper into poses and understand ones structure and possibilities on a deeper level this might include basics of therapeutic touch, acro Yoga basics or acro Fly High)
The class is for first timers, explorers and veterans alike!
What you can expect from this class:
fun and playfulness
balance of tension patterns
refined body control
increased awareness
optimized balance and stability
partner exercises
deeper understanding of ones body and coordination
more relaxed and natural posture
better overall sense of connectedness with your body
increase in energy levels
more flow
No prerequisites required!
price: 350 EGP per person/class
exercises for flow, grounding and harmonizing
every Tuesday 5.30pm - 7pm / Location: Amanda Hotel Dahab
Qigong is the name of a large number of Chinese movement practices that combine mostly flowing movement, with breathing, clear intention and the reconnection to oneself and nature.
In this particular regular class we will always start with a short "warm up" or getting in tune and then switch to a couple of selected Qigong exercises. Which exercises each class will cover will mostly depend on the group and can range from spiral exercises to reconnect the body internally, optimize movement and posture and build energy, to harmonizing exercises for certain organ systems, ways to improve grounding and reset the nervous system and methods that support flow, energy levels and clarity.
All classes are a mix of practical and theoretical parts as understanding the how and why is essential for best possible effects. The classes are stand alone, yet if you come more often you will most likely have learned more or even all exercises of a Qigong set.
For those who might know a bit about Qigong exercises from the following styles will appear over time:
Ba Duan Jin Qigong (8 pieces of brocade) a very well known method specifically designed to improve overall health and wellbeing, support and balance the hormonal system, gently improve muscle tone and balance tension, and support mental and emotional clarity
Joint Immune Qigong a set of 16 exercises specifically to support cardiovascular- and lymphatic flow, boost the immune system and support cleansing processes of the body to reduce toxins and metabolic waist products
general harmonizing, cleansing and re-energizing Qigong exercises are a mix of key methods of Qigong to train body, mind, energy and spirit through gentle movement, guided breath and clear intention with the main purpose being to stabilize health, support wellbeing, calming the nervous system and realigning ones movement with ones intentions and manifestations
Chan Si Jin Qigong (Silk Reeling) a spiral Qigong set that helps with overall body posture, understanding body mechanics and helps to reset the body to its natural spiral type movement patterns
Soft White Crane Qigong a southern Shaolin Qigong style that focuses on spinal recallibration and mobility and frees up the shoulder girdle and heart area both energetically, emotionally as well as physically
Zhan Zhuang Gong Qigong standing exercises for grounding, stability, building energy, resetting the nervous system and calming the mind. Basically a type of standing meditation
Taiji- Qigong the stand alone practice of using certain movements that can be found in Taiji Quan forms for the purpose of highlighting their specific health benefits and functions on body mind and breathing. For example, there are exercises that are great to work on the large intestine in both directions, physically to improve digestion and at the same time also supporting the function of the large intestine as the internal clock (as described in traditional Chinese medicine), which makes this particular one a great tool for jetlag or similar disturbances in ones bio rhythm.
All classes are open to all levels! This is particularly important to say in Qigong as there is so much variety that it's rare for people who have practiced one style of Qigong to find that exact system in an open class setting like here.
no pre-registration necessary
price: 350 EGP per person/class
Please feel free to reach out to me directly with any and all questions you might have regarding this class or Qigong in general.
exercises for vitality, grounding and flow
every Thursday 09:00 - 10:30 am / Location: Zen Garden Dahab
Qigong is the name of a large number of Chinese movement practices that combine mostly flowing movement, with breathing, clear intention and the reconnection to oneself and nature.
In this particular regular class we will always start with a short "warm up" or getting in tune and then switch to a couple of selected Qigong exercises. Which exercises each class will cover will mostly depend on the group and can range from spiral exercises to reconnect the body internally, optimize movement and posture and build energy, to harmonizing exercises for certain organ systems, ways to improve grounding and reset the nervous system and methods that support flow, energy levels and clarity.
All classes are a mix of practical and theoretical parts as understanding the how and why is essential for best possible effects. The classes are stand alone, yet if you come more often you will most likely have learned more or even all exercises of a Qigong set.
Each week we will choose different exercises from different Qigong systems.
All classes are open to all levels! This is particularly important to say in Qigong as there is so much variety that it's rare for people who have practiced one style of Qigong to find that exact system in an open class setting like here.
no pre-registration necessary
price: 350 EGP per person/class
Please feel free to reach out to me directly with any and all questions you might have regarding this class or Qigong in general.
Fly High Yoga
every Friday 5.30pm - 7pm / Location: Amanda Hotel Dahab
NOTE: Spaces limited! Registration in advance required!
Fly High Yoga is an aerial Yoga style based on Iyengar Yoga founded by Jose Jimenez. It's focus is on precise alignment, and structure yet it also incorporates a lot of fun and flowing elements.
It doesn't require any previous knowledge or practice either in Yoga, aerial or other movement forms although it can be practiced as an add on to regular practice.
Most poses are done by using a belt that is hung from the ceiling in a "U" shaped form that allows for a lot of support, the possibility for fully supported inversions and the exploration of ones bodies different ranges of motion. (Again, it's adaptable and accessible for everyone regardless of mobility, flexibility or strength and you don't need to be able to do the splits!)
In this Fly High Yoga class we will focus on a diverse mix of playfulness, postural alignment and mobility elements. You will find poses on the ground that merely use the belt as a support, to understand postures better and access them more safely, postures in the belt in a right side up position as well as fully supported inversions in the belt. Especially the inversions are are real treat to decompress the spine and let gravity be our asset to generally improve body awareness or even to reprogram limiting habitual patterns.
What effects to expect from this class:
enhanced body awareness
decompression of the spine and adjacent structures
improvements in mobility and flexibility
optimized blood- and lymphatic flow
emotional balance
a deeper level of relaxation
lifted mood and joyfulness
gentle strengthening
a deeper understanding of ones bodies movement, posture and function
literally a change in perspective
improvement of mental clarity and creativity
Who can benefit from Fly High Yoga:
everyone who is curious in exploring themselves and their possibilities and functions in a fun yet safe way
practitioners of Yoga who want to expand their knowledge about alignment and postures
athletes of all sorts looking for an effective albeit unusual method for recovery
freedivers might find the inverted positions on land of particular interest as well as get playful in exploring body alignment without depending on just one breath
people with a lot of tightness or even subtle pain in their back (note: in case of actual trauma like for example fresh disc herniations, gliding vertebrae or neurological symptoms the practice in a group setting is not ideal or even contraindicated but feel free to reach out to explore if there are safe options for your specific situation
people who just want to explore something new while doing something great for their body and mind
Depending on the group classes can be adjusted to be either, powerful, dynamic or even a little acrobatic or focused more on relaxation and recovery. The default will typically be in the alignment, relaxation and recovery area but there is always room to play. :)
All classes will be fully guided and a mix of theory necessary for safe and efficient practice that is woven into the flow and a sequence starting from the ground, into the belt and eventually leading us back to rest and centering on the ground.
IMPORTANT: there are 6 spots available per class so please make sure to pre-register via whatsapp! +436503744222
Feel free to contact me directly in case you are unsure whether or not this class is for you or you have questions regarding potential physical limitations etc.
price: 350 EGP per person/class
For inquiries regarding private classes in Dahab use the form below or reach out to me directly via Whatsapp.
Check in the workshop section and on Instagram for most current updates on mini-workshops and and long format retreats.