2 month “Flow2Grow” mentorship

optimize movement and posture and upgrade your life

start Sept 2024

Become a movement wizard with the practice that effortlessly follows you through the day!

—> better movement better life

—> break through old habits and rewrite your story

—> optimize movement and benefit with elevated vitality and mental acuity

—> more presence with a better posture

Our particular approach is designed to optimize your movement from the foundation up and transform your life in general in the process! Irrespective of your current level in movement, whether you move doing sports or certain fitness regimens, or if you hardly move beyond what’s necessary to conduct your day to day life you will feel better in your body, move with more ease and flow and feel much more joyful with life in general.

More flow, better posture and movement, mental sharpness and elevated mood are all directly linked with each other.

who is this mentorship container for

If any of the following resonate with you it’s definitely worth exploring this program for you.

  • you “lost” connection with your body a long time ago and start to realize that this comes at a cost to your health and well-being

  • you want to start a healthy movement regimen but don’t know where to start safely

  • you want to move better but can’t see yourself in the typical movement and fitness trainings

  • you want more ease and less struggle in your daily life feel stronger and have a better posture

  • you are in sports and fitness already but would like to optimize your foundation and understanding of your body to get even better at what you are doing and actively decrease the risk of injury

  • you feel the urge to do something to improve your life but aren’t sure where to start or how you could fit improving your body, mind and emotional capacity into your life simultaneously

  • you are close to- or had a burnout and are looking to rebuild from the ground up

  • you know that there is more in you than you are currently using and want to upgrade to the next better and stronger version of yourself

  • you are having troubles with posture related pain, low energy or low libido and brain fog

  • you want to increase your overall health and well-being and reduce the likelihood of expensive and uncomfortable medical interventions related to movement and posture later in life

  • you want to (re-)build confidence in your body and trust yourself to have what you need to be fit and agile

  • you want to improve your mindset and take charge of your life (again) in all areas and feel that healthy movement will play an important role for you

  • you want to build your “movement library” and versatile foundation for your future movement endeavors

  • you are looking for simple yet effective ways to feel better, have more energy, be more mobile and yet do all that as integrated in your life as possible

If your goal is to build muscles, just gain a six-pack or become extremely flexible in a short amount of time this program is most likely not a good fit for you. However if you are in it for the long run and want to build a solid foundation and practical understanding of principles that will help you no matter what your body goal is you are likely to find that here in spades.

How does this work

Movement is essential to all functions of a healthy human. Physical health, mental capacity and clarity, emotional adaptability, good digestion, restorative sleep, libido and fertility, and even the effectiveness and strength of our immune system to name a view, are all directly related to moving our body.

This doesn’t mean however, that we all must become superhuman athletes to live a healthy life. Fairly close to what most people do on a daily basis lies a type of movement and type of engagement with the body, that most never learn in their entire life. You don’t learn it in school, most parents don’t know about it because they grew up in a very similar way then you, and even the majority of personal trainers and physio therapists have no idea because it’s not in any of their training curricular.

The type of movement is one that focuses on quality of movement over quantity or intensity and that is amazing in (re-)building the connection of your psychological self with your body.

It’s a way of building the relationship with your body into an unshakable positive interaction of you supporting the body (flowing-, effortless-, powerful- movement/ natural posture/ healthy circulation) and the body is supporting the rest of your life (via biochemicals that elevate your mood/ in form of vitality and more oxygenation that supports your immune system/ with a more self-confident posture demeanor/ more resilience towards stress/ and certainly more adaptiveness)

Most exercises don’t need any additional tools and can be integrated into ones day.

They aim to

  • strengthen you body awareness

  • increase mobility

  • optimize flow (cardio vascular/ lymphatic/ energetic)

  • release trapped patterns

  • deepen your breath

  • support stability and grounding

  • improve coordination

  • build the ability to utilize muscles fully

  • relax both the body and the mind

  • recenter you in the moment

  • allow you to structure workouts and exercises even those not discussed in the program in a way that your physical balance and integrity is best supported

You won’t focus on building muscles body builder style, or on strenuous workouts. This is not your typical gym approach but a way to increase mobility, strength and control of your own body that seamlessly integrates into your day and effects your body as well as your emotional and mental state.

here is an overview of primary and secondary effects to expect


  • better mobility

  • improved body awareness

  • more energy

  • more ease and flow in movement

  • better mood

  • optimized posture

  • reduced physical stress

  • more possibilities to regulate and govern your body

  • more stability

  • reduced pressure in the joints and the spine

  • getting rid of access tension

  • balancing of tension patterns


  • more self-confidence

  • more creativity

  • more mental clarity

  • improved immune system

  • deeper more restful sleep

  • co-regulation of the nervous system

  • understand how you can use movement deliberately to transform your life in the direction of your highest authentic striving

what tools will you be using

  • “movement hygiene” - a signature program of simple exercises that are very accessible to anyone and that focus on mobility, reducing pressure in the joints, and the release of excessive tension. Movement hygiene tones balances tension patterns in the body so that a healthy muscular equilibrium is reinstated

  • somatic stretching - a set of simple stretches designed to enhance body awareness, flexibility and most of all flow in the body. It’s also a great tool to build focus and clarity.

  • postural resting and recovery poses inspired by Alexander Technique - specific poses to restructure the spine and balance muscular tension surrounding the spine

  • flow and toning exercises - a combination of ground based and upright exercises to gently tone muscles and functionally re-connect the body

  • tools for daily use - part of our toolkit program comprised of “micro-exercises” for easy integration across ones day to keep building safety within ones body and movement

  • basic breathing patterns and postures for grounding - a combination of gently flowing movement and breathing to regulate the nervous system, and re-energize the body

Program Overview / WHAT YOU GET

next start date: 01st Sept 2024

  • 2+ months

  • 17 group live calls (1.5 to 2 hrs each)

  • Whatsapp support across the entire process +2 weeks

  • 1x individual integration and step forward call within 2 weeks after the program

  • small group for maximum individual benefit

  • access to our community of like minded people to stay on track, keep growing and ask questions

Registration via free of charge entry call

In order to clarify intentions before hand and to make sure you get the most out of the program please schedule a call with me. It’s completely free and serves the purpose of us having a chance to meet before choosing to work with each other, get any and all individual questions you might have before jumping in addressed, and to see if this program can be beneficial for you.

Frequently asked questions

  • Yes, anyone starting from age 18 (in special cases 16) can join the program The only reason for any age restriction is that only very view children under 16 could learn this the same way adults do without needing a different approach.
    The program is safe for any age.

  • If you are currently in treatment for physical or psychological ailments a detailed assessment will be done in the discovery call to distinguish if a safe and beneficial participation is possible at this time. Note: While many exercises of the program can be beneficial for recovery from injury or illness the program is not intended as therapy. See next point for details.

  • The program is designed for "normal healthy people" and as such plus given the fact that it is a group container is NOT therapy or here to replace necessary visits at a doctor or dedicated health care practitioner in case of illness, serious injury or other debilitating conditions that require treatment.

    If you are uncertain whether or not your current state of health allows you to participate in the program we will discuss this in the discovery call. We are happy to coordinate with your trusted health care practitioner should you wish to do so or we might suggest it in difficult cases.

  • The cost for this entire program is 2.222 EUR

  • Yes we do offer the option of paying the full amount in 2 or 3

    2 installments of 1150 EUR to be payed:

    1st installment prior to start of the program

    2nd installment 30 days after first payment


    3 installments of 790 EUR to be payed:

    1st installment: prior to the launch date of the program

    2nd installment: 30 days after installment #1

    3rd installment: 30 days after installment #2

    Mention that you want to work with installments in the discovery call and we will set this up with you.

  • Since this is a live program there are no refunds available unless the program is being cancelled for whatever reason by Beyond Systems and the trainer himself in which case 100% of the money will be refunded.