online 10th Dec 2023

"Emotional Intelligence - what emotions are, how to live harmoniously with them and other emoting beings" (holiday edition)


The mini-workshop for everyone with emotions who wishes to be more positively connected and in control.


>How will you have a great end of this year and an amazing start into 

  the next across holiday season?

>How will you stay centered balanced and positive with yourself and 

  others during that time?

>How can you not just get through it, but actually thrive through it 

  and derive positive energy for yourself from the weeks to come?

>And how can you then use the same principles to improve your 

  overall emotional well-being, positivity and energy levels throughout 

  your whole year?


Answers to these questions in applicable actionable steps and all the basics you need to understand emotions in yourself and how to deal with them better than ever before will all be part of this short online workshop.


We don't just look at emotional intelligence from the side of social skills, which is often taxing and tough on people as it is coupled with expectations and social pressure.

Instead we will first explore what emotions actually are in all their glory, what an emotions means physically, mentally, neurologically, energetically and even spiritually.

Based on this deeper understanding of what emotions are we then develop simple actionable protocols that everyone can use to balance and improve their emotional state short term, or even keep it upgraded long term.


Too often in our lives today emotions are seen as the enemy. The enemy of clarity, of success, of peace, health and so on.

After this workshop you will understand how to not just live besides your emotions peacefully, but also how to live with them as one of the biggest assets to support you in your life endeavor.


Often emotions are being seen as some neurological event only thus so many proposals on how to deal with them mentally.


But emotions are not thoughts!


And knowing this isn't a reason for sadness but quite the opposite because it opens up many wonderful possibilities of working with them in beautiful and effective ways that hardly need our mind.


Combining emotional wisdom of the centuries with modern insights into how intricate the body works to create experiences allows us to develop multi-faceted solutions that are elegant and effective.


If you are:

- an emotional being who wants to understand him/herself better

- feel emotions deeply and are often overwhelmed by them

- are looking for ways to catch a break and just stabilize yourself a bit again

- want to better learn and differentiate between your own and others emotions

- want to improve your emotional "agility" and learn to unstuck yourself from deeply felt emotional states

- or just generally want to improve your overall emotional well-being, and reap the benefits of it in the form of improved relationships and deeper understanding of yourself and others

... then this mini-workshop is definitely for you.



In a nutshell the workshop includes a combination of theory and practice.

° what are emotions (a truly holistic view combining ancient wisdom, modern research, neuroscience, and quantum-biology)

° what effects can emotions have on our body and in our life in general

° what does this mean for our ability to influence emotions

° what does this mean for the relevance of healthy emotional expression and dynamics

° how can I benefit from that knowledge in real life

° a set of simple protocols to regain emotional balance fast

° ways to sustainable improve our emotional baseline

° how to navigate emotionally charged situations

° best ways to deal with emotions short- and long-term



The workshop is open to everyone who is in a "normal healthy" state physically and psychologically! You don't need any prior experience in and type of practice, meditation yoga or similar. Just come with a curious open mind and you will likely leave amazed full of new possibilities to improve your life.



Your trainer: Egwin is an international trainer, coach and public speaker with more than 33 years of experience in the space of personal and spiritual development, natural movement, and holistic therapy. He is the founder of "Beyond Systems - the language of life" a non-dogmatic system free approach to personal development and the development of natural healthy movement. His unique view on things is based on seeking out fundamental principles of how the body, mind, emotions, consciousness and even energy work and how one can apply this knowledge in a practical way in real life.




duration: approximately 4,5 hrs to 5 hrs depending on questions at the end



3:30 pm Central European time

9:30 am US East Coast

6:30 am US West Coast

10:30 pm Singapore


location: online via Zoom


registration required: to sign up please contact us via DM, email, or on whatsapp

egwin@movebeyondsystems.com   +436503744222


exchange:  85 $ USD

(payable via PayPal instructions for payment upon sign up)

Emotional Intelligence 4,5 hrs online



PS: there is an upcoming 2,5 day emotional emersion workshop coming up beginning of next year for those wanting to dive really deep ;)


#workshop #emotionalintelligence #emotion #balancedemotions #improveyourlife #beyondsystems #spiritualdevelopment #personalgrowth #selfhelp #whatareemotions




Please note that this workshop is not to be considered therapy but an educational means for normally healthy individuals to improve their personal state of well-being.



Terms and conditions for online only events: registrations is valid once the full payment has been received. Cancellations up to 2 weeks prior to the event are free of charge. In case of cancellation within the last week prior to the event a service charge of 25% will be withheld.