Welcome! Great to have you here!

To join the virtual ZOOM workshop on “Embodied Breathing” on Saturday Dec 19th 2020 please use the payment link below.

Admission is 50 $ USD per person



- open for all levels with no prior knowledge required - workshop is online

Inhalation and exhalation are as natural as they come and have their way of influenceing all areas of our lives in a supportive or sometimes limiting way.

In "Embodied Breathing" we dive into the possibilities that come from understanding the internal connectedness of breathing, how our typical breathing organs like the trachea, lungs, diaphragm etc are actually linked with every part of our body and what we can do to release patterns that restrict our breathing in stressful situations, physical training, or even emotional expression and daily tasks and interactions.

We will shed a light on the connective tissue layers involved and look for posture and movement as a source of more relaxed and nourishing ways to access breathing.
I'll guide you into movement and hands on practices that can help you to connect with your breath.

Effects of being "well breathed"
- integrate, relate and free -

- natural energy flow
- mental clarity
- increased freedom of expression
- better digestion
- increased adaptability to outside inside influences
- more strength in full ranges of motion
- being more present
- increased immune system
- better ways to deal with stress and emotional impact
- deepening of ones connections internally which leads to more health aswell as externally supporting relationships and connection to nature

The content of this virtual workshop will be as follows:

- basic anatomy and physiology in theory and practice
- introduction to our main two breathing patterns as humans
- assessement of our current breathing status and physical tensions related
- steps to re-engage in natural breathing
- breathing and training how to link breathing exercises with physical training
- breathing and emotions (a briefe introduction)
-Q&A session

This virtual online workshop is open for everyone who is interested in unlocking their body and will provide interesting input for professionals such as personal trainers, therapists, movement spezialists or body workers.

Planned duration of the workshop is 2.5 hours (with a short bathroom break but I will reserve an extra 30 min at the end for Q&As

This is a live event that will happen once at the following time according to timezones see below.

To join please follow the link below to the payment page. After we receive your payment you will get a notification of successful registration. One hour before the workshop you will receive the ZOOM link for participation.
If you have never used Zoom before you will have to download the free app to your desktop or phone to join.

I encourage you to join live as this gives you the opportunity to ask questions and benefit from more interactive engagement however if you cannot make it live, or you want to access the workshop at a later stage again there will be a recording available.
For those of you currently in Bali please contact me directly as there might be a small number of spots available to join me in person!

If you have any questions please reach out to me via direct message or contact me via email at:

Admission is 50 $ USD/ person

Date and time of the workshop according to different timezones:

Date: Saturday December 19th 2020 (duration 2.5 to 3 h)

Bali / Singapore / HongKong: 08:00 PM

Dubai / Mauritius: 04:00 PM

Istambul: 03:00 PM

CET: 01:00 PM (13:00)

UK / Ireland: 12:00 PM

US & Canada EST: 07:00 AM

US & Canada PST: 04:00 AM

Hawaii: 02:00 AM

Tokyo / Bejing: 09:00 PM

If you have any specific questions please don’t hesitate to write me directly via email!